Saturday, November 26, 2005

Ni hao, y'all!

Check out MeiyunnChung's blog. It's got some really cool pics of Chinese food.

She told me she doesn't take pictures of food from big restaurants but rather "localized & traditional food here in Taiwan. *_^ !!" Yeah, she added that little guy on the end. By the way if you like Chinese food, stay away from Buffalo China on Moreland. Yikes!


ablebody said...

mm-hmm. i wanna try donald duck in a bag, but i gotta say first your blog is sensational! a first rate blockbuster! up the cdub baby killer. kill babies.
i'm an asshole.
seriously tho. i'm an asshole.

Michael Turton said...

If you want more pics of Chinese food here in Taiwan, you might enjoy my food page with lots of pics.
